Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another Tsunami?

According to most of the dead people, killed by gargantuan waves in the Philippines, there is another tsunami.

It struck the South Pacific Islands yesterday, including the Philippines, Samoa, Indonesia, and other nearby islands. The American news media was to slow on the draw on this one. It took them a day to get their act together, and when they finally got around to reporting, they only told of the effect it had on American Samoa. They mentioned Indonesia once.

Read the story here:

"But boss," The journalist must have said, "Indonesia and the Philippines were struck too!"

"That's not news! They're just g****mn third-world countries. Nobody in America wants to hear more bad news that doesn't apply to us, but is killing millions in other countries." The editor probably said, emphatically.

"Oh, you're right. I forgot- other people besides us aren't important. My bad."

Well? Are we the only ones that are important?

No! Really, surprisingly, life does not revolve around us Americans.

Are we going to let the American news media get away with this?

If you're not ready to, let them know!

Email Yahoo! News:

Contact Cnn:

Let them know WE have a voice.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama's Speech to Schoolchildren?

In extremely conservative circles, it has been circulating for weeks that Obama's speech today was a massive attempt to brainwash our Nation's children.

First of all, really? What, is he going to get up there with spirally-eye contacts and have a Rastafarian Dj playing "Relax"?

No. What can he say on public news where all the news media plus us bloggers are going to tear him apart for every word he says?

"Don't take drugs."

"Don't drop out of school."

"Make good choices."

"Stranger danger!"

So Obama today broke ground with his pretty "generic" speech.